Sunday, March 17, 2024

Nmap rtsp-url-brute showing almost all rtsp url, but none works

Hi!I'm using the rtsp-url-brute script with nmap pointing to my rtsp enabled ipcam with the comand "nmap --script rtsp-url-brute -p 554 IPADDRESS" and in the the output almost all rtsp was showed as "discovered", but none of them works with VLC or ffmpeg (ffmpeg -y -loglevel fatal -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://URL/ -vframes 1 -frames:v 2 -r 1 -s 320x240 "c:\test\do.jpg"). Someone knows other approach to discover the correct rtsp url of an ipcam? Maybe some curl command/script? by HowToHack on Nmap rtsp-url-brute showing almost all rtsp url, but none works - Hi!I'm using the rtsp-url-brute script with nmap pointing to my rtsp enabled ipcam with the comand "nmap --script rtsp-url-brute -p 554 IPADDRESS" and in the the output almost all rtsp was showed as "discovered", but none of them works with VLC or ffmpeg (ffmpeg -y -loglevel fatal -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://URL/ -vframes 1 -frames:v 2 -r 1 -s 320x240 "c:\test\do.jpg"). Someone knows other approach to discover the correct rtsp url of an ipcam? Maybe some curl command/script?
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