Thursday, January 9, 2025

Overthewire Bandit 23

Can someone please help me with this. I followed multiple guides, chatgpt says I'm doing great but it doesnt work. Here is everything I did:Task: A program is running automatically at regular intervals from cron, the time-based job scheduler. Look in /etc/cron.d/ for the configuration and see what command is being executed.So, the cronjob is a script that executes and then deletes all scripts in /var/spool/bandit24/foo.So I make a temporary directory /tmp/doit and write a script saved as now(dot)sh#!/bin/bashcat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 > /tmp/doit/passnow(/etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 is where the password I want is stored and passnow is the file where I want to receive the password)now I add 777 permissions to my temp directory, my bash script and the passnow I copy my scrip into the folder mentioned in the cronjobt:cp now(dot)sh /var/spool/bandit24/fooAccording to the cronjob I should get my password after 60 seconds but nothing happens. After copying it I made sure it arrived in the directory but all that ultimately happens is that it gets deleted without my passnow file receiving a password by HowToHack on Overthewire Bandit 23 - Can someone please help me with this. I followed multiple guides, chatgpt says I'm doing great but it doesnt work. Here is everything I did:Task: A program is running automatically at regular intervals from cron, the time-based job scheduler. Look in /etc/cron.d/ for the configuration and see what command is being executed.So, the cronjob is a script that executes and then deletes all scripts in /var/spool/bandit24/foo.So I make a temporary directory /tmp/doit and write a script saved as now(dot)sh#!/bin/bashcat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 > /tmp/doit/passnow(/etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 is where the password I want is stored and passnow is the file where I want to receive the password)now I add 777 permissions to my temp directory, my bash script and the passnow I copy my scrip into the folder mentioned in the cronjobt:cp now(dot)sh /var/spool/bandit24/fooAccording to the cronjob I should get my password after 60 seconds but nothing happens. After copying it I made sure it arrived in the directory but all that ultimately happens is that it gets deleted without my passnow file receiving a password
buy funny gadgets: title= /tmp/doit/passnow(/etc/bandit_pass/bandit24 is where the password I want is stored and passnow is the file where I want to receive the password)now I add 777 permissions to my temp directory, my bash script and the passnow I copy my scrip into the folder mentioned in the cronjobt:cp now(dot)sh /var/spool/bandit24/fooAccording to the cronjob I should get my password after 60 seconds but nothing happens. After copying it I made sure it arrived in the directory but all that ultimately happens is that it gets deleted without my passnow file receiving a password"" style="text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;" src="

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